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London College of Fashion

**** New York DEADLINE EXTENDED - 6 More Days

If you were thinking of writing an abstract submission but ran out of time...good news... Parsons has decided to extended the deadline until Monday 10th December.

Final Reminder - Call for abstracts for Fashion Colloquia New York closes tomorrow (30th November)

Final Reminder - Closing date for Fashion Colloquia New York abstract submissions is tomorrow (30th November). Details on themes and submission can be found here

Soldering: Preparation

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John Edwards introduces "preparation of metal, joints and seams" soldering process to London College of Fashion students / 3D - Jewellery course.

Soldering: Use of Metal Binding Wire

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John Edwards introduces "binding" in the soldering process to London College of Fashion students / 3D jewellery

Soldering: Use of Steel Clips

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John Edwards introduces "use of steel clips" in the soldering process to London College of Fashion Students / 3D jewellery course

Soldering: Use of Clamping Device

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John Edwards introduces "use of clamping device" in the soldering process to London College of Fashion students / 3D jewellery

Soldering: Using Torch and Flame

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John Edwards introduces using "torch and flame" in the soldering process to London College of Fashion students / 3D jewellery

Soldering: Doing the Soldering

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John Edwards introduces "how to solder" in the soldering process to London College of Fashion students / 3D jewellery

Soldering: Pickling

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John Edwards introduces "pickling" in the soldering process to London College of Fashion students / 3D jewellery

Podcasts of Round Table Discussions from Paris now available

The IFM hosted the third &quot