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Joris Jansen & Jeroen Visser The Decline of Celebrities Art and Fashion, Presented at Fashion Colloquia Milan on February 15th 2012

Joris Jansen (1981) and Jeroen Visser (1981) have been two equally independent and inseparable individuals for more than a quarter- century.

Death of the Image Plenary - Fashion Colloquia London

Watch this video!

The full video recording of "Death of the Image" Plenary which took place at the Fashion Colloquia London.



Next Colloquia meeting Milan 15-02-12

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The next colloquia meeting is in Milan on February 15th 2012 (during Milan Fashion week)

Fashion Colloquia - London

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An exciting event exploring the glitz and the glamour and examing fundamental issues of fashion, not least, what is the contribution and purpose of fashion in modern contemporary life?

Public Understanding Towards Sustainable Clothing and the Supply Chain

Up-cycling Through User Interaction

How Do Knowledge Processes Support Innovation in the Sportswear Industry?

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