Joris Jansen & Jeroen Visser The Decline of Celebrities Art and Fashion, Presented at Fashion Colloquia Milan on February 15th 2012

Joris Jansen (1981) and Jeroen Visser (1981) have been two equally independent and inseparable individuals for more than a quarter- century. Joris first earned a bachelor in Economics and next a master in International Development Studies. Meanwhile he works as a freelance journalist and lecturer at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute. Jeroen is a cultural anthropologist and founder of his own company Infinite Variety. He wrote several works on dandyism, fashion and the arts. Both deny being a dandy.

This Work, Joris Jansen & Jeroen Visser The Decline of Celebrities Art and Fashion, Presented at Fashion Colloquia Milan on February 15th 2012, by Joris Jansen & Jeroen Visser is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales license.