Research Themes to date from London and Milan Colloquia

Tony Kent has very kindly summarised the main themes to date as:
1. Heritage and identity. In London there was considerable discussion of heritage, while in Milano we discussed identity in more detail. Perhaps these share a common interest in connections with the past, and the strengths and challenges this brings?
2. Digital technologies and their impact on fashion. The design processes, communication of fashion and fashion systems can be considered both independently and as a whole. Understanding how a younger generation creates, co-creates and consumes fashion was an important part of this discussion in both London and Milano.
3. The changing role of designers, merchandisers and other intermediaries in the fashion industry and the implications for curricula and learning in fashion schools. We discussed the need to allow space and time for creativity but also the need to develop multi disciplinary skills in our students. Is there a contradiction here?
What is your opinion on these themes, do you agree? are you interested in taking them forward? Any other themes not mentioned?
Great would this forum help? -
Lets get a debate going?