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Inside Out: Linking OERs to professional development and knowledge management activities

The ALTO team are presenting two papers at the Manchester OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 2011 conference.

Theatre Metalwork blog by Steve Wood at Wimbledon

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A great blog Theatre Metalwork by Steve Wood at Wimbledon http://theatr interview recently attended the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC), a gathering of educators and professionals interested in the availability and application of free online college course

John Casey ALTO Manchester OER11, Manchester

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Lecture slides - The ALTO Project:  Linking OERs to Professional Development and Knowledge Management activities.

Exploring best practice in the collaborative use of OER rich media resources in art & design practice based-learning & teaching

My role as ‘Arts Learning and Teaching Online’ (ALTO) college coordinator at the University of the Arts London provides a rare opportunity to observe and contrast how OER learning content is create

WCA Foundation Video & Animation FMP

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This is the first time I've introduced a group blog to support teaching, learning and assessment at Wimbledon College of Foundation

SCORE - Introduction to OER podcasts

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SCORE - Introduction to OER, I attended this seminar at the Open University site in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom on 25/01/2011 it was aimed at educators wh

What are the terms of a Creative Commons license?

From the Creative Commons website, the key terms of the core suite of Creative Commons licenses are: Att

NEW - licensing and copyright charts from OER IPR Support Project

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Please see charts attached or visit

Kultur project - Creative repositories for the arts

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Kultur, a project that is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and that uses the world-leading EPrints software from the University of Southampton, has developed a joint pilot r