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The Learning Studio


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Learning Studio Event at LCF

Tuesday 7th February 16:30-18:30 Room 105 John Princes St, the DIAL: Digital Integration into Arts Learning, a two year JISC funded project at UAL.

Learning studio ALTO & DIAL

See video

In this video Chris Follows introduces an overview of JISC funded projects at UAL including  ALTO and the new DIAL project (all links below)  Chris joins the Learning Studio group 15/11/1

Details FCP server for OER art & design video resources

This setup could have the potential to be used in many ways and we may need to all come together in order to make this happen/funding.

Learning Studio Workshop on Digital and Social Media

The Learning Studio is a community of practice (CoP) around learning technology use in Art, Design and Media within UAL.

Documenting practice FLIP

Watch this video!

In this video: (view QT link below for viewing on Apple devices) An informal discussion around issues of best practice techniques of documenting practice with low tec equipment such as quick video

Cup cake video

Watch this video!

Making Cup cakes as an example of how easy it can be to document using Flip cameras and iMovie.