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38 - Ordnance survey globe

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Simple paste, water and paper, or papier-mache. In this case an old second hand ordnance survey map of Southend on Sea, bought for 99p.

37 - Foamboard sphere

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While having a small amount of intrinsic visual appeal, consistency of thickness and ease of working makes foam centred board a useful model making material.

36 - Laser cut acrylic sphere

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The ability of the laser cutting process to cut lines of very narrow width, enables components to be fitted with very close tolerances, while producing delicate parts that might not withstand the s

33 - Wood stained sphere

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Several wood stains applied to a turned softwood sphere.

The single application of each stain reveals the different effects produced on side and end grain.

32 - Tartan sphere

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Six varieties of tartan material sewed together along their edges produce a sphere similar to the sphere object 45 made in paper.

29 - P.V.C. strip sphere

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While object 50, and object 54, for instance, use their mass and material presence to describe spheres, this object, along with object 5, use translucency, lightness, and reflectivity to find other

24 - Egg box sphere

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Egg boxes have long been made form re-cycled material and here they are re-cycled again, using two of the many colours available.

18 - Plaster cake

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The ability of plaster to transform from a liquid state into a permanent solid makes it a very useful casting medium, while the in-between curing period can allow for more direct working as the mix

17 - Bubble

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Theoretically the perfect sphere: although it’s life is short, it doesn’t react well or easily to modification and it has limited practical strength, the ignominiously named bubble is in fact a com

16 - Copper dome

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Although using the simplest of tools, this is a complex and time consuming process.