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Stephen Farthing

PALIN & THE BEAR: Taxonomy of Drawing:

When the Sarah Palin looks up at the Alaskan State Flag she first sees, eight golden stars on a dark blue field, then a length of woven cloth either lifted or let down by the wind, what she most pr

Drawing from Experience: Fra Angelico to Leonardo

By the end of the twentieth Century the access Andre Malraux anticipated his "Museum Without Walls" , (the world beyond museums that the mass distribution of reproductions of arte

From Alamo to Photo

Although drawn lines on paper have played an important part in helping both explain and design our world, it would be a mistake to imagine drawing is just about images made with pens, pencils and p

DRAWN IDENTITIES: Pepsi, Shakers and Tattoos

I no longer recognise much of a divide between writing and drawing, for me, the two travels hand in hand towards very similar goals.

The Raw and the Cooked - essay by Stephen Farthing

A year or so ago, I was given a box of papers by a man I met in the bar of the Chelsea Arts Club in London, the box was one of those tray type boxes producer’s use to ship fruit to market.

Field Notes: Lesson 7

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Lesson 7. Strategies for collecting information and recording ideas as an aid to memory.

Measured Drawing: Lesson 5

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Lesson 5. Making a drawing that is dependent for its success on mathematical accuracy.

Making a Livelier Drawing: Lesson 4

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Lesson 4. Making a livelier drawing, where the line and tone have an energy because they have been applied at speed with a brush.

Creativity: Lesson 8

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Lesson 8. Invention!

The Elements of Drawing

With Colour: Lesson 6

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Lesson 6. The most complex form of drawing. Starting with a pencil outline, the drawing is developed with a brush in clearly defined layers.