Ande Gregson Fab Lab London - A story of serendipity - Lunchtime presentation at CCW Digital MakerSpace day
Ande Gregson, Co-founder Fab Lab London and creative technologist. Exploring the intersection of science, arts & technology.
Images from the presentation:
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Lunch snacks & refreshments will be provided from 12.45 on a first come first serve basis for those attending the presentation.
What is the presentation about: How Fab Lab London came about.
Time: 13:00 to 13:20 followed by questions
When: 13th May 2015
Where: Red room, Chelsea College of Arts (adjoining the banqueting hall/main #CCWMakerSpace activity area)
What Ande Gregson would like to gain from the day: ‘Just to share our story and inspire others to do great things’
Twitter: @andegregson & @fablablondon
Book your free place here:
More event details: here
Please come and join us for a digital making community building event (open to the public) at Chelsea College of the arts on May 13th.
Meet specialist makers, learn about digital making & MakerSpaces at CCW MakerSpace day: 'Chelsea Jam' aims to bring together staff, students and MakerSpaces from across London & UK to share perspectives on digital making within the arts with an aim of establishing a new 'arts digital making community'.
Please come and join us and encourage others along for:
CCW Digital MakerSpace Day: Chelsea Jam on 13th May in the Banquetting Hall at Chelsea College.
The event is open to all staff and students and are encouraged to drop-in anytime between 11am - 4pm (FabLab presentation start at 1pm).

To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Ande Gregson Fab Lab London - A story of serendipity (Event Photos @CCWPostDigital), by Ande Gregson Fab Lab London (Event Photos @CCWPostDigital) are Reserved. There are alternative licensing options available.