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Call for participation in Chelsea Jam CCW Digital MakerSpace day


We are planning a 'Chelsea Jam CCW Digital MakerSpace day'. The event will be free and open to all, the main goal of the event is to generate interests, awareness & establish a new arts digital MakerSpace network & community at University of the Arts London made up HE/FE staff, researchers, students, arts practitioners, the wider sector and anyone who may be interested in collaborating. The programme of activities and booking will be available soon. The event will be very informal and will include a mix of presentations, workshops, exhibits/installations, demonstrations, stalls etc.

When: Weds 13th May 11 to 4 drop in anytime throughout the day

Where: The event will be held at the Banqueting Hall at Chelsea College of Arts, London.

Book your free place here: Via Eventbrite

Please let us know asap if you would like to attend or get involved and how you'd like to be involved e.g workshops, industry connections, demos, support, talks, help planning etc and please pass this on to other staff you know would be interested. Please contact Chris Follows or tweet @CCWPostDigital

CCW has a strong making tradition and provides excellent making workshops, studios, resources and specialist staff. We are currently exploring the concept of MakerSpace and currently developing an informal cross disciplinary community exploring and supporting emergent digital making practice through safe-fail experimentation with new & old materials and technologies.

We'd like to have a day building the community, network and debate centred around lots of making activities which could be anything from taking apart tech, mixing old and new tech, interactive tech, projection, drone tech, digital innovation, robotics, gaming, code, physical computing, open source hardware/software, Arduino, raspberry pi etc.   

I'll be a great opportunity to community build & build networks.

More details will be posted here on the CCW MakerSpace group pages.

At the moment we have a mix of University of the Arts London (UAL) staff demoing stuff they have been experimenting with, we have UAL students showing and talking about their work or work they are planning and we are also inviting external partners to come and share what they do and to be part of the new community, we hope to have invited representatives taking part from various maker groups and the sector as well as from other schools, colleges & HEIs . 

We're currently preparing the draft programme so if you are interested please send some brief details (please see below) and an image if possible that would be great.

  1. About you:
  2. What is your session: a demo/exhibit/workshop/presentation?
  3. What is your session title:
  4. What is your session about:
  5. Time: (can be all day demo/share or particular times between 11am & 4pm)
  6. What you'd like to gain from the day:
  7. Twitter name or other open social networks: (optional)
  8. Website: (optional)
  9. Image that represents your session: (optional)

What is a MakerSpace? 

MakerSpace provides an informal and cross disciplinary place and community for exploring and supporting emergent practice through safe-fail experimentation with new & old materials and technologies. A MakeSpace community requires a rich variety of expertise, peer support, knowledge sharing, specialist equipment, tools and support.

MakerSpace Examples

The UCL MakeSpace ‘The Institute of Making is a multidisciplinary research club for those interested in the made world’ its a great example of a large size Makerspace, but is dedicated resource for UCL student use, the space provides a little bit of everything to support making experimentation all close to hand with specialist support. Also see: Technology Will Save Us - Machines Room - South London Makerspace and London HackSpace.

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