Call for submissions: MozEx art exhibit
MozEx is an art exhibition with a 21st-century twist. Curated by the digital learning teams at both the Tate and the V&A, this space showcases dynamic digital artwork that spans many disciplines and media.The MozEx exhibit explores links between art, society, and the digital world. Created by both individual practitioners and cross-disciplinary collaborations, the exhibit will explore the value of art to society through Web literacy, digital inclusion and accessibility, privacy, policy, and hacking.
This is a call for artists, designers, creative technologists, makers, coders, scientists, visual journalists -- from techies to newbies! We are inviting submissions of original artwork that relates to our lives online. We are keen to see artworks that explore an exchange of knowledge and practice with their audience.
Deadline for submissions and proposals is 1st August 2016.
Look forward to seeing a great variety of work and thanks for taking part!
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