Digital Making Art School at Tate
Digital Making Art School With Digital Maker Collective, University of the Arts London
Join in digital making projects that explore, reclaim and confront technology in the arts and society
Work with the Digital Maker Collective and guest makers to explore the boundaries of participation and interaction through digital experiments, performances, interventions, and conversation. Find out more on Tate website.
Join any of our four interdisciplinary pop-up digital maker gatherings. At the centre of the event will be a large participatory digital maker base camp, a space to develop agile and experimental projects led by members of the Collective. Explore anything from virtual, mixed/augmented reality and virtual/real interventions, to creating artificial creatures and utopian or dystopian worlds. Use sensors, microcomputers and biofeedback devices to create interactive objects and digital interactions.
The Digital Maker base camp will evolve and respond to themes, public interactions and our invited guest maker activities, interventions, debates and performances happening throughout the four dates:
- 8 February: Pop-up 1 – Digital New and The Familiar: How do we reconcile digital unknowns with the everyday?
- 22 February: Pop-up 2 – Deconstructing the Digital: Explore resistance, activism and risk taking through creativity and taking things apart
- 8 March: Pop-up 3 – Digital Friction: Explore ways of subverting and confronting digital friction caused by technology overload
22 March: Pop-up 4 – Virtually Real Environments: Explore the
boundaries of physical & virtual space, new worlds & spatial narratives
This event is programmed by Digital Maker Collective, a Tate Exchange Associate.
About the Digital Maker Collective
The Digital Maker Collective are a group of artists, designers, staff and students from the University of the Arts London (UAL) who explore emerging digital technologies in arts, education, society and the creative industries.
They are supported by Digital Learning, Teaching & Enhancement at Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts, UAL.