Camberwell Learning Studio Event 'Online Identities' (including Google Glass Demo): Call for participation
DIAL are planning a learning Studio event at Camberwell College of Arts - date TBC (11:30am to 2pm - Date in late September/Early oct), the theme will be 'Online Identities'.
Please let me know asap if you'd like to be involved/participate by proposing a discussion topic and which dates are best for you?
We'd also like to add 2 or 3 discussions to the agenda from local projects/activities across CCW/Camberwell so please let me know if you have some related activities/ideas you'd to share.
See Camberwell Learning Studio Event: Draft details
About the Learning Studio…
The Learning Studio is a community of practice around learning technology use in Art and Design within UAL. It is open to anyone to join and participate, whatever your role or current use or experience of learning technology. The approach is very informal and the event is aimed at all levels including non-expert users. For more information see details about past UAL learning studio events here -
TBC (11:30am to 2pm - Date in late September/Oct)
TBC (Camberwell – room TBC)
Sandwich snacks and drinks will be provided between 11:30 and 1.30pm on a first come first serve basis.
Open to all UAL staff
Informal drop-in session
No need to book, just turn up anytime between 11:30am and 2pm and join in!
Theme ‘Online Identities’:
Informal drop-in discussion groups, discussing various topics around Online Identities:
Discussion 1:
Google Glass demonstration and project proposal call out for staff and students to propose some experimental interventions using the Glass Tech within L&T but also as a tool for creative practice. (DIAL team)
Discussion 2:
Online Identities project update: Student led course/website project (DIAL team confirmed)
Discussion 3:
Overview of CLTAD, Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design online tools (Members of CLTAD team TBC) also meet the new CLTAD Head of technology enhanced learning. (David White TBC)
Discussion 4:
Call for participation from local project CCW
Discussion 5:
Call for participation from local project CCW
Please contact Chris at

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