CYLAND media art lab - Arduino in our projects
This video has been created by CYLAND Media Arts Lab artist/engineers in St Petersbur to support collaboration in the lead up to the Tate Exchange between children from Hill Mead Primary School in Brixton (via, UAL Digital Maker Collective members & CYLAND.
CYLAND video selected clips (by Nicola)
Intro to 2.15 mins
13.5 Danae example
16.36 Robotic Eyes moving
21.56 Buzzer tune (twinkle twinkle little star) (I also have the notes for this to insert into the code, as it presently plays Rick Astley's 'I'm never going to let you down!!!)
Other clips
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University of Nevada LEGO Line Follower Competition
Line follower competition from one of UNR's ME 151 classes from spring '09.

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