WorkShop Using Sensors to Detect Sculptural Space
Using Sensors to Detect Sculptural Space.
Workshop by our alumni artist in residence Rosie Munro Kerr
A216, 27th Sept Tuesday 10am-1pm Practical workshop - (do not reply all to this post)
Beginners (and anyone else) welcome. This workshop will focus on the use of ultrasonic sensors and Arduino microcontrollers for distance measurement.
It's for anyone interested in ultrasonic imaging and object sensing devices, interactive sculpture and using sensors with the Arduino microcontroller.
We’ll look at:
Arduino microcontrollers
Using ultrasonic sensors to trigger an effect
Using multiple ultrasonic sensors to map an environment
The interactive potentials of ultrasound
Part 2 Facebook Live of the WorkShop seen here - Using Sensors to Detect Sculptural Space
Part 1 Facebook Live of the WorkShop seen here - Using Sensors to Detect Sculptural Space

To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, WorkShop Using Sensors to Detect Sculptural Space, by Digital Maker Collective are Reserved. There are alternative licensing options available.