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Student Digital Maker Lucy at WCA

Another great example of work being produced at Wimbledon College of arts by a student engaging in physical computing mixing traditional and new tech as part of her arts practice. This is a 3rd year Technical Arts student work in progress Lucy Isherwood has been working closely with WCA digital specialist Grzesiek Sedek on a complex interactive ardunio piece for her final year exhibition work.

CCW has a strong making tradition and provides excellent making workshops, resources and specialist technicians and we are currently exploring the concept of MakerSpace and currently developing an informal cross disciplinary community exploring and supporting emergent digital making practice through safe-fail experimentation with new & old materials and technologies.

What is a MakerSpace? 

MakerSpace provides an informal and cross disciplinary place and community for exploring and supporting emergent practice through safe-fail experimentation with new & old materials and technologies. A MakeSpace community requires a rich variety of expertise, peer support, knowledge sharing, specialist equipment, tools and support.

MakerSpace Examples

The UCL MakeSpace ‘The Institute of Making is a multidisciplinary research club for those interested in the made world’ its a great example of a large size Makerspace, but is dedicated resource for UCL student use, the space provides a little bit of everything to support making experimentation all close to hand with specialist support. Also see: Technology Will Save Us - Machines Room - South London Makerspace and London HackSpace.

Learn more about Lucy Isherwood and her practice here.

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