Chelsea Jam programme May 13th 2015
Please see Chelsea Jam CCW Digital MakerSpace programme (download pdf here) for May 13th 2015 at Chelsea College of Arts. In the true spirit of a ‘Jam’ event please come along to learn, contribute & share, so please feel free to get involved on the day Book your free place
‘Chelsea Jam’ programme
May 13th 2015 MakerSpace community
All day drop-in sessions between 11am & 4pm
01: The Machines Room
What: Gareth will be on hand with info, a 3D printer and can talk to people about machines room | More Details here
Who: Gareth Owen Lloyd | Machines Room | Chelsea Alumni (2008) | Head of Maker Projects at Machines Room
02: Digital woven design with electronic loom control
What: - Demonstration: Digital woven design with electronic loom control run by software downloaded to the loom | More Details here
Who: Chelsea College of Arts weave department : Lisa Bloomer (academic) Roz Cottrell and Bec Chivers (technical)
03: South London Makerspace
What: - Show and tell about ‘South London Makerspace’ and what we are all about More Details here
Who: Tom Lynch | South London Makerspace | Trustees of South London Makerspace | organiser of Elephant & Castle Mini Maker Faire at LCC | Alumni CSM Physical Computer | LCC Physical Computing tech
04: 'Solar-technik' a digital replication of experienced sunlight
What: Presentation of artwork which explores how the sensory experience of sunlight can be translated into, amplified and understood in digital form. What is lost in this translation from analogue/sensory to digital? And what can be gained? | More Details here
Who: Rosemary Munro Kerr | WCA Student MFA
05: FAB LAB LONDON - A STORY OF SERENDIPITY (see presentations below)
What: (1pm presentation) How Fab Lab London came about | More Details here
Who: Ande Gregson, Co-founder Fab Lab London and creative technologist. Exploring the intersection of science, arts & technology
06: Where the body meets the screen
What: Demonstration-- work in progress: I will be continuing my research into the haptic and tactile relationship between the body and the screen, by continuing a number of ongoing projects | More Details here
Who: Jon Clair | WCA Student MFA
07: Print Make Wear - the complete DIY textile design loop
What: Exhibit/Demo. Shows the process of Digital Textile design through new publication and examples of digital printed textile which promote the textile industry and people's creativity to Make Print & Wear | More Details here
Who: Melanie Bowles | Senior Lecturer, Digital Textile Design Chelsea College of Art
08: Make It On The Day!
What: Hands on experience with different kinds of Arduino kits provided by Nick and Phil, Chelsea College of the Arts specialist techs | More Details here
Who: Nick Healy & Philip Mills
09: ‘Normcore’
What: - A Multimedia video combining set design, puppetry, projection mapping and animation into a glorious mess. A partnership that explores multimedia absurdist humour. A day in the life of the surreal city of Normcore | More Details here
Who: Wimbledon BA Theatre Design students | Connor Mott
10: Creative open source applications
What: Thanasis will be demoing a couple of Linux distributions designed for creative practitioners | More Details here
Who: Athanasios Velios | Research Fellow at CCW
11: Workshop 3d making skills and new tech:
What: Will, Grzesiek & students will share examples of how traditional artist workshop 3d making skills and new tech, arduino, Raspberry Pi and digital making can be used in arts practice | More Details here
Who: CCW Specialist Techs teams | Will Waterhouse, Grzesiek Sedek & students
12: Medway Makers and Science
What: Faction: a demo/exhibit/workshop/presentation? We will show some of our work on a provided table including the "Alien Artefact" used in the Science Faction adventure |More details here
Who: Medway Makers group - Tom de Havas
13: The experience of using digital technology tools and platforms for auto-ethnographic research into the creative process
What: - Technology used for the project available to look at and try. Hands on demonstrations and try the technology out: Go-Pro headcams, digital voice recorders, small film cameras, ability to look at Camtasia editing software, Vimeo for video hosting, Podbean for audio hosting and behind the scenes Evernote and wordpress blog | More Details here
Who: Joanna Neil | lecturer for textiles, fashion, interior design and design disciplines at University Centre Blackburn College and a PhD student based in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow and a Hunterian Associate | Seeing Practice: Making the Invisible Visible with Digital Auto-Ethnography
14: Co-designing a Digital Creative Toolkit for UAL
What: UAL Futures invite students, staff, alumni and employers to respond to the challenge of developing products, services and experiences that inspire UAL students and graduates to become natural innovators and collaborators in the digital space. Join us to learn more about our co-design project and take part in a journey mapping exercise to explore how we access and apply technology in our creative practice | More Details here
Who: UAL Futures is an initiative exploring ways to support digital skills and creativity across University of the Arts London | Luke Whitehead & Annick Collins
15: The MakerSpace MOOC the perfect storm
What: Ongoing conversation & presentation part of un-conference - The MakerSpace MOOC project would partner/closely align with existing MakerSpaces, the arts sector & arts education to explore how a MOOC style learning approach could support virtual & physical learning through the sharing of the MakerSpace/arts studio experience, skills, approach and ethos with a wider audience | More Details here
Who: Chris Follows | for more information @ArtsMOOC
MakerSpace Presentations in the Red Room
Title: FAB LAB LONDON - A STORY OF SERENDIPITY (see presentations below)
What: - How Fab Lab London came about | More Details here
Who: Ande Gregson, Co-founder Fab Lab London and creative technologist. Exploring the intersection of science, arts & technology
Title: Design Untitled
What: Our session is a joint presentation between Fablab London and UAL Central Widening Participation Team which highlights the benefits of a collaborative project | More Details here
Who: Fablab London and UAL Central Widening Participation Team
Title: Exploring the Open Workshop Network
What: The Open Workshop Network (OWN) is an ongoing research project into the larger making community of London. An exhibit and presentation (13:30 to 14:00 including questions)| More Details here
Who: Liz Corbin, resident PhD student at the Institute of Making and organizer of the Open Workshop Network
#ChelseaJam ‘Un-Conference’ (Makers Corner)
in the Red Room from 2pm
Audience takes an active part in shaping the day by volunteering to take part in sharing your experiences of digital making – sign up for a slot here or let us know on the day HERE
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