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Drupal at UAL

4 replies [Last post]
cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009

We aim to develop a new Drupal open source web development community of practice at UAL.

We recently submitted a bid to the UAL Communities of Practice fund as part of the DIAL, process.arts, ALTO UK and SCORE projects to develop a Drupal UAL open source web development community of practice. We're really pleased to announce the panel agreed to provide funding towards the development of this community.

Project outline and aims:

  • Bring together the individuals at UAL staff and students who are working with drupal, meet and plan project approach below:  
  • Employ two artstemps drupal/web developers to help champion and support the development of UALs in house drupal community. (30 hours of support £408 artstemps)
  • In collaboration with interested drupal project staff/developers and student developers we aim to hold 6 hackdays ( 3 hour dropin, software collaboration, discussion and experiment). The hackdays will be held in each college and will provide a drop-in service. An introduction to drupal: for those who would like to learn about drupal and UAL drupal projects and to discuss projects and code development and join the online community.  
  • Create and develop an open online UAL drupal network using process.arts groups . The online network will promote the hackdays and support dialogue and resources development before and after hackdays. The outputs (Drupal introduction resources, summary of debates and new and future software development ideas and collaborations) the findings of the hackdays will be published in this space.

Contact: Chris Follows -

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mdurante1's picture
Joined: 21 Sep 2011
Hi Chris, I've just posted a

Hi Chris, I've just posted a few lines on DrupalCon this summer.

Like we said, we could use one of the hack days to present what has been discussed at the conference to students, hopefully to gather more interest over the Drupal UAL developers.

I also hope we'll be able to start some sort of distant collaboration with some other institutions, as one of the talk precisely aims at this.


what you think?

cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Mozilla stuff...The Mozilla

Mozilla stuff...The Mozilla Learning team are defining a set of core web literacy skills and developing learning pathways for people to develop and hone these skills. Our goals are to develop and empower more webmakers by providing them with the opportunity to learn making by making. This work is leveraging all of the great momentum, tools and content built through Hackasaurus. -

Summer Campaign 2012 -

We're building a generation of webmakers. First step: invite people everywhere to MEET up to MAKE something cool and LEARN how the code behind the web works. It's called the Summer Code Party and it starts June 23rd.

Mozilla and dozens of others orgs are getting together to make this happen. Here's how you join in:

1. MEET with friends or go to an event.
2. MAKE something cool on the web.
3. LEARN how the web gets made.

Wiki -


cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute

Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute - Summary: In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action. - 

cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
NOTE - Look at this site -

NOTE - Look at this site - / context: The world has become a lot more complex in the last couple of decades: we are more connected, there are more of us to connect and there is a lot more uncertainty — and potential. In the past it made sense to tackle problems alone and hand it off to the next person — that was the norm. These days we need to work together (intensely, sometimes over long periods) to get things done. And we need to be very good at learning together, accidentally,  purposely or on the fly. CPsquare can help us do that. We can learn together to be better at working and learning together to make things happen. We will have succeeded when communities of practice are common practice in all walks of life and people know how to nurture them effectively.

And this conference -