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Global knitting

In the project I propose to set up a forum which can celebrate a multi cultural approach to learning and teaching knitting within the university. The model of an open forum, although in this case about knitting, could serve as a template for inter-cultural exchanges in the University. I have observed many people from diverse backgrounds knitting over the years through my work as a fashion and textiles technician at Central Saint Martins, and in my practice as a knitted textile artist. I have become intrigued by the differences in methodology, there is no single correct knitting method, and yet the knitted outcome remains the same. Using this approach has the potential to improve the learning experience and give rise to more opportunities for innovations in knit and beyond., I plan to set up a knit forum where novice and experienced knitters can create a knitting community of practice  as a way to increase interaction between diverse groups in the university. Here, knitters and non-knitters alike will be able to share yarn skills and stories in an informal setting. Participants will be encouraged to document when and where their first knitting experience occurred, and who taught them.


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cfollows's picture

Please let me know if youd like to creat a group on process.arts like this:

and a forum like this

And heres a forum being used:

Please send me some intro text and a banner PNG image 820px × 300px

I tweeted this and got lots a few retweets which is a good sign of wider interest ay via

, and retweeted you on 12 Jun: Global knitting community at UAL

Cheers Chris


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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Global knitting, by cjsams are Reserved.