How We Work - A conference funded by SEE at CSM
This is a record of the How We Work conference held at CSM on June 14th 2014. The conference was funded by SEE.
The aim of the conference was to forge links between graduating students and key employers in the creative industries.
Speakers representing key areas of potential employment for BA Graphics students delivered presentations relating to recruiting creative practitioners combined with presentations by students relating to Problem Solving in projects.
During breaks for coffee and lunch students and speakers participated in a Salon Session. This was a form of mini congress or informal networking event designed to encourage “active learning” through discussion amongst invited design professionals and current students.
The salons of the enlightenment operated under the guidance of Salonnieres, whose role was to encourage ideas and debate. In Salon Sessions CSM staff took on this role, introducing groups of students to relevant speakers. The student delegates were encouraged to show work in progress and recently completed work to industry professionals and benefit from informal feedback with emphasis on informal presentation. The intention was to receive honest, direct and open feedback from experienced practitioners, in an informal setting accompanied by refreshments.
As can be seen in the film this format proved to be successful with many of the conversations resulting in useful exchanges of ideas focussed on themes relevant to the field of Design as well as exchanges of details. During the conference presentations one of the invited companies, Unit 9, offered 6 CSM students internships that they took up over the summer break.