Film and Video makers - whatever happened to English underground film?
If you want to show your film work and interact with the public in a cool space then give EXPLODING CINEMA a call. . .
Their website is:
The EXPLODING CINEMA is a coalition of film/video makers committed to developing new modes of exhibition for underground media; from DIY screenings in all kinds of venues to low/no budget film tours, cable T.V. and the internet.
Exploding Cinema hold regular OPEN SCREENINGS of film/video for makers who want a popular audience for their work, they have no preference as to the kind of work ...drama, experimental, documentary, splatter, animation, true confessions, protest, pop promos, home videos, found footage....and there're looking for performance work and musicians. They have facilities for Super 8, 16mm, Standard 8, VHS, tape/slide, performance and they also have a video wall..... if you want to bring your own equipment or set up an installation that's no problem. The group is voluntary and totally democratic, anyone can contribute, anyone can join the group.
Anyone can show their work, anyone can join the collective.
All decisions are made collectively at open meetings.
All equipment, resources and information is held in collective ownership.
ALL the money we make goes into improving our shows.

This Work, Film and Video makers - whatever happened to English underground film?, by kcarlsen2 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Removed these, thanks for letting us know Jennet !
Hi there- please note that those phone contact numbers for 'Paul or Jennet ' at Exploding Cinema are way out of date- and will not get you to current Exploding Cinema members SO Instead, please go to the website and follow the link 'submit work' thanks! Jennet