Final Cut & After Effects tutorials
Creativecow is a very useful site, providing support for Photoshop, digital video, editing, and media production, broadcasting, motion graphics and film making, including interviews and features.
As well as offering a film library it has tutorials in Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects.
Available from:
Here are some basic tutorials to get you started in Adobe After Effects . . .
Parenting Effects in After Effects with Mathew Fuller
Run Time 10:36 mins
Creating a Run Cycle in After Effects Part 1 with Andrew Devis
Run Time 11:38 mins
Creating a Run Cycle in After Effects Part 2 with Andrew Devis
Run Time 9:12 mins
These tutorials explore options when working between Photoshop and After Effects for text and design . . .
Working with Comp layers with Richard Harrington
Run Time 8:30 mins
Working with 3D Models with Richard Harrington
Run Time 8:29 mins
This interactive resource, Final Cut & After Effects tutorials, by kcarlsen2 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
Site looks really great Kybor, be great to build some linked tutorials on process.arts of embedded Creativecow tutorials ?