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Video and Visual Effects Blogs

Video, visual effects and animation blogs and websites

Motion Graphics blog with links

Great Visual Effects tutorials for after effects and 3d Studio Max

Great After Effects tutorials

Great 3D software tutorials: 3D Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave, Sketchup

Everything Video!



Average: 3 (1 vote)
3853 reads


cfollows's picture

Sam these video tutorials are good -

swilkins's picture

Hi Amy

You will be granted full access to all the college wide facilities, such as animation and darkrooms. When you have completed your inductions you can then book up to two weeks in advance to make reservations.

Congratulations and welcome.


adolan1's picture

Hello I am a student at the Wimbledon Foundation. I have been offered a place at the main school to do painting and am pretty much sure that I will accept this. I was just curious about how much access painting students get to facilities such as animation equipment and darkrooms etc. I was talking to Chris and he suggested I contact you. Thankyou

Amy Dolan

CC0 1.0 Universal
To the extent possible under law, swilkins has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Video and Visual Effects Blogs.