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I'm an anti-feminist

See video

There's lots of useful references and inspiration for my arts practice in this video lecture by karen straughan, including the men's movement, gender bias family courts, sharing cultures, gender bias, gender equality etc. Although I am Non-Feminist/Non-Meninist I am pro Gender Equality, therefore I would like to explore these issues in my future practice and have a greater awareness of the wider issues and complexities of how men and women movements are discussed and interpreted within arts education institutions, culture and art media.

It seems to me that male gender issues are not taken seriously or given the respect and support they should have within education institutions, why is this?

My open practice post to date have mainly been related to my educational practice work although there is a lot of cross over with my arts practice and personal interest, I'd like to explore more how my 'arts' open practice relates to my 'educational' open practice'.  

The below selection of transcript is taken from the presentation by karen straughan - @girlwriteswhat a 42 year old divorced mother of three who's been writing on gender issues and pissing off feminists for 2 years.  - This is what anti-feminism looks like:

"I'm an anti-feminist. My task, as I see it, is to try to uncover the nature of things, and then deprogram as many people as I can. To encourage people to think from a different angle, to entertain thoughts that are forbidden in our politically correct culture, to educate as many as I can about the hidden nature of society, gender and ideological feminism."

"Because of these innate perceptions, when feminists pointed up toward the top of society and showed us mostly men, we didn't bother to direct our attention down to the bottom of society so we could see the mostly men there, as well. We all saw a glass ceiling, but not a glass cellar, and allowed feminists to convince us that all aspects of society, the formalized and the informal, were male-dominated and male-controlled, and that women, as a class, were utterly powerless and subjugated under this system."

See full transcript here - My address to the NY state libertarian party convention

Fathers meeting about trying to see their children | Chris Follows 2012


Men's issues awareness societies

Lectures: (Janice Fiamengo - Academic Feminism from the Inside)

Institutions of Higher Indoctrination -


Myth of Male Power -

The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men -

Sexual Impolitics: Heresies on sex, gender and feminism [Kindle Edition] =


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"Britons still understand that walking in the country with your son is not a suspicious activity and nor should it be treated that way." -
This kind of prejudice against men and fathers is why this our society is in such a mess, and why many parents (and family law solicitors) in separation use these gender stereotypes to prevent contact by making false accusations (because they can and are society encourages them) to do this at their advantage, and to the disadvantage of millions of UK Children, Fathers and our society. - 


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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, karen straughan , by karen straughan are Reserved. There are alternative licensing options available.