I'm an anti-feminist
There's lots of useful references and inspiration for my arts practice in this video lecture by karen straughan, including the men's movement, gender bias family courts, sharing cultures, gender bias, gender equality etc. Although I am Non-Feminist/Non-Meninist I am pro Gender Equality, therefore I would like to explore these issues in my future practice and have a greater awareness of the wider issues and complexities of how men and women movements are discussed and interpreted within arts education institutions, culture and art media.
It seems to me that male gender issues are not taken seriously or given the respect and support they should have within education institutions, why is this?
My open practice post to date have mainly been related to my educational practice work although there is a lot of cross over with my arts practice and personal interest, I'd like to explore more how my 'arts' open practice relates to my 'educational' open practice'.
The below selection of transcript is taken from the presentation by karen straughan - @girlwriteswhat a 42 year old divorced mother of three who's been writing on gender issues and pissing off feminists for 2 years. - This is what anti-feminism looks like: http://owningyourshit.blogspot.co.uk/
"I'm an anti-feminist. My task, as I see it, is to try to uncover the nature of things, and then deprogram as many people as I can. To encourage people to think from a different angle, to entertain thoughts that are forbidden in our politically correct culture, to educate as many as I can about the hidden nature of society, gender and ideological feminism."
"Because of these innate perceptions, when feminists pointed up toward the top of society and showed us mostly men, we didn't bother to direct our attention down to the bottom of society so we could see the mostly men there, as well. We all saw a glass ceiling, but not a glass cellar, and allowed feminists to convince us that all aspects of society, the formalized and the informal, were male-dominated and male-controlled, and that women, as a class, were utterly powerless and subjugated under this system."
See full transcript here - My address to the NY state libertarian party convention
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, karen straughan , by karen straughan are Reserved. There are alternative licensing options available.
Women take record number of university places
Women are 35% more likely to go to university than men, the widest gap so far, according to annual entry figures.
Ms Curnock Cook said these figures showed a narrowing of the gap between rich and poor, but other differences were widening.
"We have previously highlighted the unacceptably large and widening gap between entry rates for men and women, and this year shows young men, and especially young white men, falling even further behind," she said.
Universities Minister Jo Johnson welcomed the record number of students beginning university, including from poorer families.
"Students from disadvantaged backgrounds are now almost a third more likely to enter higher education than five years ago, but we have much more work to do," he said.
Mr Johnson said the government had an "ambitious programme" to double the proportion of people from disadvantaged backgrounds going to university by 2020.
Unpoisoning the well: Darwinian Gender Studies
If any man could draw up a comprehensive, infallible guide to navigating this treacherous territory, we would certainly erect a statute to his everlasting memory. There is a Twitter account dedicated to exploring and enumerating precisely the distinctions and differences between the acceptably erotic and the intolerably sexist. It’s called @SexyIsntSexist. It is, of course, under the control of a woman.” Neil Lyndon. Do men really understand what sexism is? The Telegraph 20/5/14
At home, women treat men as if they are barely competent
In far too many relationships, men largely occupy a given place which is laid down for them by the women they live with, says Neil Lyndon
Do women really want men to play an equal role in parenting?
The new law on shared parental leave could help transform the role of fathers. But how many women really want to cede control of childcare duties to men, asks Neil Lyndon
'Feminists hate men': Meet Mike Buchanan, the leader of Britain's new Justice for Men and Boys party
Full article here - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/feminists-hate-men-meet-mike-buchanan-the-leader-of-britains-new-justice-for-men-and-boys-party-9977357.html?cmpid=facebook-post
Here are a selection of points from JFMAB’s General Election Manifesto:
Children have effectively been removed from the nurturing bosom of the family and, funded by taxpayers’ money, placed under common social care and control in what amounts to state-sponsored institutional child care. Children’s social values are now being shaped by politically correct broader society rather than by their biological parents.
We also take issue with governments continuing to spend large amounts of taxpayers’ money ‘encouraging’girls and young women into STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) subjects and careers. These subjects were historically the routes to careers for many young men, yet the government is spending £30 million ‘encouraging’ women into engineering careers, although women have for decades expressed little interest in engineering as a career choice.
The state’s policy direction of driving women into paid employment (partly through a tax regime which discourages stay-at-home motherhood) takes no heed of women’s wishes (or otherwise) to enter employment, nor the inevitable impacts on men and children… It should be obvious to the reader that the flipside of ‘advancing the careers of women’ must be ‘holding back the careers of men’.
Domestic violence
When IPV [Intimate Partner Violence] is one-way, the perpetrator is more likely to be a woman than a man. Only 4% of female perpetrators report ‘self-defence’ as a motivation.
Women are as physically aggressive as men towards intimate partners, or more aggressive.
When IPV-related suicides are added to IPV-related murders, men are more likely than women to die as a consequence of IPV.
Mental health
Many of the state’s policy directions contribute to the persistently high male suicide rate, including:
- denying fathers reasonable access to their children following family breakdowns
- weakening the institutions of marriage and the nuclear family
- lack of support for male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV)
Criminal Justice System
The justice system in general is institutionally biased against men, and is the direct cause of a scandalous 'gender justice gap'.
'Stubborn gap' between male & female HE applicants could soon eclipse the gap between rich and poor. - UK university applications rise by 4% but male applications are becoming a disadvantaged group
Boys' self-harm hospital admissions soar
Project director of the website selfharm.co.uk Rachel Welch says societal expectations make the problem harder for boys to admit to. "Because of the way society has constructed the image of self-harm, it makes it much easier for girls to come forward and ask for help," she told the BBC.
"We've actually got a huge number of boys who are suffering in silence, unable to come forward and ask for help because they're struggling with something perceived to be something that only affects girls."
Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/health-science/61768/boys-self-harm-hospital-admissions-soar#ixzz3LgBMjwRe
Male domestic abuse victim: men are scared to come forward - Full article here
"While awareness of male victims is improving it is still several decades behind awareness of female victims.
"All domestic abuse awareness campaigns and policies must include and give equal status to male victims as female victims. If there are female only campaigns that is ok as long as there are male campaigns as well."
Mark says: " Men are probably scared to come forward because they're scared what people will think. You don't hear it that often of men but they shouldn't have to suffer. No one should - men or women."
The ManKind Initiative is a charity that provides support to male victims.
Boys being left behind as university gender gap widens - via @Telegraph http://fw.to/MeE2DHe