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Importing Content from other blog

2 replies [Last post]
swood's picture
Joined: 26 Apr 2010

Hi Chris


How easy is it to import content from my theatre metalwork blog? Do I have to remake the post and upload images or is there a clever shortcut?



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cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Hi Steve,Sorry no easy way

Hi Steve,

Sorry no easy way at the moment but its on the general agenda to make moving things around lot easier, one thing were looking into is to develop a drop box style plugin for the process.arts file browser so you can upload, copy, share and move your open files (eg take your content with you easily)

Downloading and packaging whole PA posts is also something were looking into.

Regarding your question is a copy and paste job I'm afraid, .... but be good to see some of those great blog posts on here as OERs :)

Cheers Chris 

swood's picture
Joined: 26 Apr 2010
Blog posts etc

Hi Chris

As you may have guessed I have started to use Process Arts more than my blog, I'm beginning to discriminate between what I want to archive or memo from workshop perspective and what would be better shared as a learning resource. The two are very similar but there is a subtle changes in the voice I use and the 'How To' style of my process posts.

Thanks for the reply, I'll upload some content in due course

