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Improve online visibility

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cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009

Effective practices for getting your name on the main search engine rankings.

This forum aims to encourage and continue the lively and constructive debate and presentations which took place at LCC on 15/11/2012 part of UALs enterprise week, see more about this event and other topics here.

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cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Students how to be boss-friendly online

Students: how to be boss-friendly online - Is your Facebook full of dodgy photos? Is your Twitter feed a list of drunken ramblings? Let a digital expert help you clean up your profile – and give your job prospects a boost

See -

cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Website Analytics for Open

Website Analytics for Open Education Projects -


This short, practical, free course is an introduction to understanding and implementing a website analytic strategy for your open education repository or website. Analytics is the process of collecting, measuring, analysing and interpreting data about visitors to your website, including but not limited to:
how they discovered it (discoverability)
how long they spent on it (engagement)
the number of pages of they viewed (depth of experience)
where they come from and your international reach (demographics)
how often they return (loyalty)
how easily they could navigate around your website (ease of experience)
which third party websites send you the most traffic (referrals)
With a focus on non-commercial educational websites, NGOs, charities, not-for-profit and non-profit organisation focused websites will also find this information applicable for their websites. 
cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Interesting for online
cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Keep active and devlop your specialism

I find keeping an active online presence, adding and contributing to your online profile, linked resources and network engagement etc. really helps keep you on the search engine radar. Its also useful to develop your specialism in specific areas then you'll find you'll appear in that subject search, you'll make connections and people who are looking for you will be able to find you quicker, as they can search your name and the subject/context together.

My place on line (The place I live - professionally is here) - I add content daily and I use it for reference.

I use twitter to widen the catch of the content posted I also tweet content of other users - @ProcessArtsUAL- this sometimes feeds both ways and a paste the tweet feedback in the process.arts post comments (looking for an automated way of doing this)

I use facebook to but this is not as effective as the twitter engagement -