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Introduction to ALTO and process.arts at #ocwcglobal

See video

In this video John Casey and Chris Follows from the University of the arts London discuss the Arts Learning and teaching online (ALTO) project and This video was recorded May 5 2011 at OCWC Global 2011: Celebrating 10 years of OpenCourseWare during an informal Birds of feather breakout session.

00:00 - 04:18 - John Casey describes the ALTO project, Eco system and architecture.

04:24 - 12.16 - Chris Follows Introduction to the UAL process.arts project

12.16 - 28:14 - J ohn Casey describes the ALTO business model followed by general discussion and feedback with conference members - Many thanks to Jessica Bayliss (Remilon) - Emily Rodgers (Open.Michigan) and Curtis Newton MIT.

See related posts on process.arts here - #ocwcglobal

ALTO:A key aim of ALTO will be to enable opportunity for sharing of resources between staff in the UAL and with the wider community. To support this we will create both the repository and a simple set of processes for depositing resources.

ALTO has been funded from the second phase of the UK OER programme and will last for one year, ending in Autumn 2011.

PROCESS.ARTS:Developed with the aim of creating a new collaborative online resource that explores process in arts practice. The website provides a new user driven online studio community for staff and students to share rich media resources that focuses on making at all levels in art and design at UAL, whilst also sharing, informing and engaging with the wider community.

Creative Commons License
Introduction to ALTO and process.arts at #ocwcglobal by ALTO is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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OCW and the Arts

You can learn a lot of things online, but until today, we didn't realize that visual art was one of them. After we met Chris Follows and John Casey of Arts Learning and Teaching Online (ALTO) and Process Arts we learned that even art can be taught and shared on the Web. Check out Process Arts to watch artists at work and learn about diverse topics like core sand casting and creating life-size cartoon resin models, and stay tuned for an upcoming interview with Chris and John. -

Let’s share, collaborate and create at the next OCWC Global meeting

While it is all well and good to celebrate the past 10 years and the contributions all our organizations have made to open education, I was especially excited to learn more from the initiatives that are considering the communities of users and their motivations for sharing as the entry point into OER production and use. Especially exciting were P2PU’s badging pilot and ALTO’s Process.Arts project. -

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, Introduction to ALTO and process.arts at #ocwcglobal , by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.