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LCF Sense - Second Meeting

During our second meeting, we continue to discuss the issues  we focus on last the meeting.

We mostly find it difficult to set up our own website, students are concern about:

  • Don’t know which platform is the best to use
  • Uncertain about the content (what should student put in order to look professional)
  • Buying a domain name
  • Coding and HTML
  • Layout and design

Students suggest running an online tutorial platform with videos showcase step by step tutorial. The videos must be in certain standards with clear details to understand. The website must be open to everyone and run by expertise who had depth skills on website. Students claimed although the school has provided different online platforms but none of them are teaching how to set up a website. Students also suggested they would like to showcased their own professional without using the school website platform in order to separate from school. If the school is going to set up an online tutorial website, it needs to have certain level of promotion to advert the website. So that students know where to get the support. Besides, there should be learning group for students. If student have questions regarding to the online tutorials there should be workshops or online chat/ forum provides for students to solve it. Staff should encourage students to set up an online portfolio that should be brought at the end year one. As students said they would like to set it or have certain skills in an early stage.

Regarding to the staff, students suggest there should be training for staff to increase their knowledge about setting up website. Students are uncertain who to seek help with and is it appropriate to deal with their ‘own’ work. Students also suggest to set up a drop in session where a specialist can check their portfolio work in order to know what to show online and tutorial about self-branding on social media platform. 

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, LCF Sense - Second Meeting, by Bowen Lee are Reserved.