The life and business of an independent photographer
David Hoffman's life as a photographer is dedicated to recording citizens' protest against executive and economic power. Here he talks about being independent from commissions, clashes with the police and the changing profession.
Mark Stephens, CBE, Partner at HowardKennedyFsi LLP (formerly Finers Stephens Innocent) provides legal commentary, in particular on the important issue of privacy.
Watch our video The life and business of an independent photographer on the Own-it London channel on Vimeo.
In what is an increasingly competitive industry, a good knowledge of IP issues is essential for the budding photographer. For more information see our FAQ - I'm a photographer - What do I need to know about IP?
Who owns the copyright in a photograph?
Making a living from photography
Photographing other people's property
Private lives: Photographing people
Keeping it covered: Licensing for photographers
Interviewee: David Hoffman
Lawyer: Mark Stephens CBE, HowardKennedyFsi LLP
Camera: Donald Bousted
Camer Assistant: Alex Hedley
Past Production: Best Bits Media Ltd
Produced by Silvia Baumgart
Narrated by Nick Kaplony
Photographs © David Hoffman
Commissioned by Own-it

This Work, The life and business of an independent photographer, by Own-it London is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.