How to enforce your rights and resolve disputes - The Creatives
Rachael Taylor shares her story of infringement of her textile designs by a large retailer. Photographer David Hoffman and Justin Fielder, owner of a gift design company, Temple Island Collection, share their experiences of going to court following separate infringement disputes.
Watch our video How to enforce your rights and resolve disputes - The Creatives on our Own-it London channel on Vimeo.
Before getting to the stage of enforcing your IP rights creatives can find a practical guide to protecting and valuing their ideas here.
How to protect your company or brand name
How to protect your work online
What steps should I take to protect IP rights that I can't register?
Someone has copied my invention - what should I do?
I am a designer: what do I need to know about IP?
If you are an editorial photographer, visit the EPUK website and read Simon Croft's article on tackling infringment - recommended by David Hoffman:
Interviewees (in order of appearance):
Rachael Taylor,
David Hoffman,
Justin Fielder, Temple Island Collection,
Camera: Donald Bousted
Camera Assitant: Alex Hedley
Post Production: Best Bits Media Ltd
Produced by Silvia Baumgart
Narrated by Nick Kaplony
Thanks to HowardKennedyFsi and Rachel Taylor for the locations
Commissioned by Own-it

This Work, How to enforce your rights and resolve disputes - The Creatives, by OWN-IT UAL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.