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Marc Prensky From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom

Marc has five published books. He is currently writing a book on future curriculum. Marc has also written a large number of essays and reviews (see below), and has written chapters for several anthologies. 

From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom BRAIN GAIN -

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Other books

Mind, Self and Society,_Self_and_Society


The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
Book by Erving Goffman
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life is a seminal sociology book by Erving Goffman. It uses the imagery of the theatre in order to portray the importance of human social interaction. Wikipedia
Published: 1959
Author: Erving Goffman


The Cultural Web
Aligning Your Organization's Culture with Strategy
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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Marc Prensky From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom, by cfollows are Reserved.