How to join UALs and blog groups
In this video we walk through the process of joining and joining group blogs like the DIAL UAL baseline blogs -
Myblog.arts is UALs in house blogging service.
The digital baseline blogs are an ongoing agile project which rely on UAL staff and student contributions until November 2013; the blogs are open for all UAL staff and students to contribute. Please add your college, course or personal stories and perspectives of best practice or gaps you have identified in UAL’s current digital provision.
The ‘digital baseline’ blogs will record all aspects of digital life, including learning and teaching, college, department, course and individual perspectives. It is a chance for us all to contribute, view and map how we at UAL are integrating the ‘digital’ into any aspects of our day-to day practice. The seven digital baseline blogs (6 college blogs and 1 institutional one) will give us an up-to-date snapshot of how we are integrating and supporting the digital in our practice.

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