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DIAL project 2-minute video update

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A video overview of the DIAL (Digital Integration into Arts Learning) project part of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme -

Below: Video transcript:DIAL project 2-minute video update

Voice 1: CHRIS FOLLOWS [Project Manager]
Hello, My name is Chris Follows. I am the DIAL project manager here at the University of the Arts London, In this video we are just going to give a quick overview of the progress of the DIAL project.
[Shows DIAL website]
Voice 2: SHAN WAREING [Project Director]
I am Shan Wareing, and I am the senior in charge of the DIAL project. When we first started thinking about the DIAL project everybody wanted it, so everyone wanted a stake in it, the library IT,  Communications and Learning &Teaching, which is me. I think everything we do depends on getting this right. I think digital is the future for creativity. If you are curious about the world and curious about creativity you have to be looking at what happens digitally.
Voice 3: LINDSAY JORDAN [Group coordinator]
We have had around 600 Blogposts and 55 videos posted up over the last few months by the teachers on our post graduate certificate programmes, and I'm hoping that by now the majority of participants have realised that the sky won't fall on their heads if they open up their reflections to the whole world. I do get a genuine sense that everyone who has participated on the programme this far has gained a better understanding of the benefits and challenges reflecting on line and feels more familiar with the tools and environment that people use in Online Reflective Practice. Now the next step for this group are to look at what informs the decisions people make as they move towards more open forms of Online Reflective Practice and how others can be helped towards making that journey as well.
[Word bubble appears on screen with: DIAL Open education at UAL group will support the ORP groups]
Voice 4: LAURA NORTH [Group Coordinator]
Hello my name is Laura North I'm helping set up an online-community for presentation skills for the DIAL project. To start with we are focusing on Video presentation skills. As part of this we are running some workshops for the MA Fashion Entrepreneurship course at LCF
Voice 5: Student talking: 
Compared to like last class and this class we're a bit more comfortable with the camera, like today I didn't mind being filmed it was fine.
Voice 6: Jessica Crilly : Our project within DIAL is based on digital information, Its about building skills and confidence. I think confidence is a really big issue.

The video can be downloaded via the above link or view on youtube -

The DIAL project (Digital Integration into Arts Learning) a two year JISC funded digital literacies (DL) project at University of the arts London (UAL). The DIAL project aims to address improved graduate employability and cultural change by developing confidence and capability in the adoption and integration of digitally enhanced learning for staff and students.

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The DIAL project were asked to produce a two minute video overview of the project to date. We would like to openly disscuss the issues that this presented to the team and our perceptions and experiences of 'presenting to camera' also encourage debate and feedback from our stakeholders. Please leave your comments below. Thank you 

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, DIAL project 2-minute video update, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.