Digital literacies in the arts focus group meeting
Mapping Digital literacies and competencies, as part of the 'Understanding digital literacies at UAL' process we hope to debate and define UALs institutional understanding of terms associated with ‘Digital literacies’ within all aspects creative practice, including media literacies, information literacies, digital practice, digital citizenship, online identities, digital/social/cultural competencies, participatory culture, digital attributes, open practice, digital fluency etc. with an aim of publishing an ‘institutional’ evidence base of UAL glossary of terms based on an iterative process of practical, subject and interest specific case study evidence.
Notes for colleges wishing to host a focus group meeting.
Either or all of the DIAL team aim to facilitate the meeting, depending on availability, ideally a date 2 or more of the DIAL team can make.
There is no template as such, its more an open discussion to collect varied responses, the areas of focus or context are:
Aim: To set up and establish a ‘UAL wide’ focus group around ‘Understanding digital literacies at UAL‘. The group will debate and draw up collective ideas about how best to map digital literacies across UAL as a whole with an aim of understanding how UAL communicate art & design specific digital literacy definitions and competencies.
Objective: As part of the process we hope to debate and define UALs institutional understanding of terms associated with ‘Digital literacies’ within all aspects creative practice, including media literacies, information literacies, digital practice, digital citizenship, online identities, digital/social/cultural competencies, participatory culture, digital attributes, open practice, digital fluency etc. with an aim of publishing an ‘institutional’ evidence base of UAL glossary of terms based on an iterative process of practical, subject and interest specific case study evidence.
Emerging questions for the discussion group (open to all staff and students) are:
Understanding digital literacies ‘Definitions and competencies’ at UAL
- What do 'digital literacies' mean to you?
- What do 'digital competencies' mean to you?
- Are they one and the same thing or different?
- How are digital competencies different from digital literacies?
- Should UAL map Digital literacies and competencies and why or why not?
- What are the benefits and challenges of understanding and mapping digital literacies and competencies at UAL?
- How do we map and define Digital literacies and competencies, by individual, course, subject area, college, UAL and sector?
Recommend pre-reading notes, and references are:
See notes from previous meetings - Notes from kick off meetings ‘Understanding digital literacies at UAL -
Existing digital literacy initiatives and from the JISC digital digital literacies programme findings - DL conceptual frameworks - We are under no pressure to develop a complex framework
Look at DIAL projects and activities - e.g - Assessing the level of Digital Literacy of pre- degree students -
See all-in-one digital literacy blog activity at:

This Work, Digital literacies in the arts focus group meeting, by UAL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
this is great What type of Digital Learner are you?
Marianne Sheppard
@marianneshepp 23 Apr#jiscexperts13 Defining dig literacies & competences is a an agile process at UAL - importance of continual dialogue@DIALProjectchrista appleton
@christa_line 23 AprFor the "digitally scared" is curiosity the vehicle to overcome fear and move forward?
#jiscexperts13#diglitMarianne Sheppard
@marianneshepp 23 Apr#jiscexperts13 fears of the digital are natural, need to be acknowledged & support provided to increase confidence.