Digital literacies in the arts
Understanding digital literacies at UAL definitions and competencies kick off meetings.
We have arranged two kick off meetings:
Thurs 14th Feb 10am - 11am (at High Holborn office)
Thurs 7th March 12pm - 1pm (at High Holborn office)
Aim: To set up and establish a UAL focus group around ‘Understanding digital literacies at UAL definitions and competencies‘ The group would debate and draw up collective ideas about how best to map digital literacies across UAL as a whole with an aim of understanding how UAL communicate art specific digital literacy definitions/ideas and competencies.
Please send these dates out to others who you think may be interested in these or future meetings. Also please add your ideas and comments to this post before we meet. If you'd like to be involved in these and/or future meeting please add a comment or email
We'd like to arrange some college meetings, If you'd like to suggest a date and a venue we can start to arrange this with you?
CSM - To be confirmed
CCW - To be confirmed
LCC - To be confirmed
LCF - To be confirmed
The group will draw from existing digital literacy initiatives and from the JISC digital digital literacies programme findings - DL conceptual frameworks - We would also like to set up a sub group of this to address the sector skills and competencies needs.
See all-in-one digital literacy blog activity at:
As part of the process we hope to debate and define UALs institutional understanding of terms associated with ‘Digital literacies’ within all aspects creative practice, including media literacies, information literacies, digital practice, digital citizenship, online identities, digital/social/cultural competencies, participatory culture, digital attributes, open practice, digital fluency etc. with an aim of publishing an ‘institutional’ evidence base of UAL glossary of terms based on an iterative process of practical, subject and interest specific case study evidence.

To the extent possible under law, cfollows has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Digital literacies in the arts.
Today we have the kick off meeting to discuss defining digital literacy and competencies at UAL. Two sessions will be held on February 14th and March 7th, with more to follow. Staff interested are welcome to attend these sessions, so please do forward the invitation to relevant individuals and contact Chris