DIAL projects: Active, ongoing, new and emerging
The DIAL project methodology is to identify mutually supportive communities of staff and students within the larger university community (based on courses, disciplines or other naturally occurring communities) who identify goals for improving their collective digital literacies over a six month period, initially with significant support from the project team. Over the project life-time, processes, resources and toolkits are being developed so the communities can be increasingly autonomous in their development programmes. Within the community, individual and collective aims and anxieties will be identified, along with current skills and experience. Community members will collaborate to increase the overall digital literacy of the whole community. See Expressions of interest
University wide, central services projects (ongoing) |
Active and ongoing projects: |
New and emerging projects and collaborations: |
Open education at UAL Online Reflective Practice group: Update - http://dial.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2012/04/28/online-reflective-practice-group-update/ Open education at UAL group updates - http://dial.myblog.arts.ac.uk/category/open-education/ Digital information literacy, Things unlimited - http://process.arts.ac.uk/category/project-groups/things-unlimited UAL drupal Community of Practice - http://process.arts.ac.uk/category/project-groups/drupal-ual |
Understanding digital literacies at UAL definitions and competencies Online PPD skills & specialisms with a practice based accreditation tool |
London College of Fashion (LCF) |
Active and ongoing projects: |
New and emerging projects and collaborations:
Video presentation skills: Laura North (DIAL & SEE) and Chitra Buckley (Video presentation skills) Video presentation skills: Project update latest - Fellowship DIAL aligned: Oliver Furlong and Gabriela Daniels (learning video research) |
Gavin Jenkins (Digital competencies) (DIAL consultancy and support) OER, sharing video resources via process.arts (DIAL OER consultancy and support |
Central Saint Martins (CSM) |
Active and ongoing projects: |
New and emerging projects and collaborations:
Professional Online Identities: Fred Meller and Michael Spencer (Professional Online Identitie |
NEW: Using video for messages, information and Personal Tutorials | CSM digital baseline NEW: this is the real me fredmeller | CSM digital baseline NEW: No Name | CSM digital baseline Jo Morrison (Digital present) Digital literacies at CSM (DIAL OER consultancy and support) Adam Thorpe: Project 2. Using process.arts (or similar) to facilitate peer mentoring and coaching linked to developing an eco-system for social enterprise at UAL |
Chelsea College of Art and Design (CCAD): |
Active and ongoing projects: |
New and emerging projects and collaborations: |
Delivery of technical resource information online: Address and develop case studies around how it deals with issues in an open conversation on the baseline blog.
Online PPD skills & specialisms with a practice based accreditation tool Follow up on some of the items and findings of the SICOM meetings and try and identify individuals and groups who are interested in driving these ideas forward with DIAL support. http://dial.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2012/10/28/online-ppd-skills-specialisms-with-a-practice-based-accreditation-tool/ iPads in workshops - workshop spaces, wood, metal and 3D are looking into use of ipads for supporting workshop activities. Learning zone remote tutoring: Pilot exercise of providing video and audio editing support for Chelsea students using learning zones at CSM and LCC via Skype sessions |
Wimbledon College of Arts (WCA |
Active and ongoing projects: |
New and emerging projects and collaborations: |
Open education; What does open educational practice mean to you? The new digital hub: A possible collaboration and support in the development of a new digital hub at WCA? The Development of Social Networking – Creating Students’ Weblog Communities: Mariana Fantich - http://marianafantich.myblog.arts.ac.uk/ |
London College of Communication (LCC): |
Active and ongoing projects: |
New and emerging projects and collaborations: |
Projects and IT (NAM server: project use case study): IT capacity to support projects problem including; IT access, control and security problem and an IT capacity to deliver servers to projects in a timely way projects require. DIAL are writing a case study for the UAL baseline based on problem in an earlier NAM project report below: http://process.arts.ac.uk/content/nam-web-development-overview-and-update-30042012 DIAL Enterprise week Event at LCC: Improving Your Prospects through Online Profiles - http://see.arts.ac.uk/events/eventdetails/?eid=1364 |
Camberwell College of Art (CCA) |
Active and ongoing projects: |
New and emerging projects and collaborations: |
Projects to be identified here. |
Projects to be identified here. |
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dial_project_groups.docx | 146.35 KB |

This Work, DIAL projects: Active, ongoing, new and emerging , by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.