Monoprinting a Photocopy Image onto Clay
LITHOGRAPHY ONTO CLAY - Monoprinting a Photocopy Image onto Clay
Ceramic Ink recipe
Mix for at least 20 minutes preferably leave overnight before using. (This quantity should be enough for 50 images.) |
Soft leatherhard clay A very smooth surface works best |
Method Spread gum Arabic onto glass and place Xerox image face up. Spread gum Arabic over image, |
Stir ceramic ink and spread onto glass with roller in two directions, then ink image in one direction only (to prevent image from lifting from glass) |
Now splash water with dash of gum Arabic and blot image with sponge. |
Repeat inking and washing process three times.
Lift paper and place image face down onto clay. Sponge with water and leave to dry. |
Burnish paper that is dry with the back of a spoon using small circular movements and light pressure.
Lift paper to peek, reburnish bits if necessary. |
Remember that this technique reverses the original image, so if using words or letters remember to photocopy onto acetate and then photocopy in reverse. |
Bisque fired, glazed with clear glaze and fired to 1260°C |

To the extent possible under law, mhelal has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Monoprinting a Photocopy Image onto Clay.