Process Arts presentation: Tiergarten, Berlin 5th cltad international conference
Chris Follows - Process Arts presentation:
5th cltad international conference
Challenging the curriculum: exploring discipline boundaries in art, design and media
12th-13th April 2010
Novatel, Tiergarten, Berlin
Berlin conference Wiki -
Abstracts -
Abstracts - PDF VERSION - (page 24)
Author: Chris Follows
Institution: Wimbledon College of Art
Themes: Challenge concept, Notions of discipline, Multidisciplinary, Student-led
programmes, Multiple competencies, Beyond the university
Presentation Type: Seminar/Workshop
Title: Process Arts a new collaborative online studio community exploring Process in Arts Practice
Abstract: How can professional and educational studio art practices be documented and shared online? What are the advantages and disadvantages of showing the art studio process and viewing the processes of others?
It is common practice for students, teachers and artists to document their practice through exploring and questioning the process, for example in sketchbooks or through samples and experimentation. How do students, teachers and artists approach, view and use such forms of documentation?
By sharing such documentation, research and methods online these once hidden traditional and contemporary creative processes could have a lasting dynamic platform, stimulating discussion and collaboration.
I will use my experiences of developing and launching a ‘Process Arts’ a new collaborative online resource that explores process in arts practice to explore these questions. The website provides a dynamic user driven online studio community that focuses on making at all levels in art and design at UAL, whilst also sharing, informing and engaging with the wider community.
The two key aspects of developing Process Arts are:
1. Create a simple, user-friendly, media driven site with good multi media functionality.
2. Encourage and explore different ways of documenting arts practice, what are the best methods of communicating arts practice online? How much support, advice and guidance is required.
Initially content for the site will be driven by UAL staff and students, all having their own accounts to upload video, image and text, providing new insights and lines of communication to other colleges and areas across the university. Primarily the content will be focused on UAL process and activities, although will be viewed by anyone online. How will this new collaborative tool be used and received across the six colleges and in the wider online community? To what extent will students and staff learn, share and collaborate between each other? How will external viewers use the site, should they remain passive or be encouraged to engage with the UAL arts community?
The presentation will discuss and demonstrate how Process Arts has engaged with some of these issues.
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65_chrisfollows.pdf | 50.59 KB |
abstractsa4.pdf | 2.19 MB |

This Work, Process Arts presentation: Tiergarten, Berlin 5th cltad international conference, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.