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Reflective Learning: Measuring the effects of Artists talks on Fine Art students


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The aim of my teaching development project was to develop a more effective briefing content for reflective learning activities. Building on the work of Knight (2005) and Moon (2004) both of whom have written on reflective learning and reflective activities within higher education, I developed a specific research question:

  • How can I develop a more effective briefing content for reflective learning activities?

To achieve this I isolated the briefing content before two identical artists talks and collected feedback from two different groups of students. Carrying out this project, allowed me to develop a critical understanding of reflective learning, and I was able to propose alternatives ways of approaching my briefing contents for reflective activities. Overall my findings indicated that students have a deeper learning experience when the briefing content includes the intended outcomes, and I was able to see the benefits of taking a research-based approach to the design of effective learning, teaching and assessment activities.

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Reflective Learning: Measuring the effects of Artists talks on Fine Art students, by jlong are Reserved.