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UAL Curriculum Development Funding - Apply Now

UAL staff can now apply for up to £5000 to develop the curriculum in ways that enhance the student experience and support transformative learning through experimentation, evaluation and inquiry.

The Teaching and Learning Exchange is keen to support staff and project teams in their expertise to establish projects that address sustainability, inclusivity and enterprise and employability. Curriculum development is usually in response to either an issue or the understanding of a potential improvement or enhancement by putting something into action. 

Proposals submitted may request one of the funding bands of £2000, £3000 or £5000

Projects can be run Spring Term 2016, Summer Term 2016 or Autumn Term 2016.


How to apply:

Proposals should be submitted using the Curriculum Development Fund: Proposal Form

Prior to completing you application, please refer to the Curriculum Development Fund: Guidance


Funding Support Workshops:

You may book for any of the support workshops at any college:

07 Dec 2015 London College of Fashion

09 Dec 2015 London College of Communication

11 Dec 2015 Chelsea College of Arts

16 Dec 2015 Central Saint Martins


Key dates:

This call for proposals is now open!

Deadline: 12:00 Monday 11th January 2016

Notification of outcomes:  Monday 1st February 2016


For further information:

Contact Teaching and Learning Exchange at

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