VR World notes
Notes of interesting stuff to follow up on from VR World 2017:
TOIA Feeling is believing - Imogen Clare
The first Gaming Convention held WITHIN VR - https://in-vr.co
Look into social VR with ALT VR https://altvr.com/
Augmented Reality Face Profiles - coming soon... Show the world who you are and what you love. All through the magic of Augmented Reality. Download the Blippar App - https://blippar.com/en/
Holoroom How To - http://www.lowesinnovationlabs.com/holoroomhowto/
Microsoft/HoloToolkit-Unity - https://github.com/Microsoft/HoloToolkit-Unity
Look into Hololens Spatial Mapping
And visual studio - https://www.visualstudio.com/
Try http://www.3dorganon.com/
By far the best presentation - Emily Hare
Taco Bell’s Cinco de Mayo Snapchat Lens Was Viewed 224 Million Times
VR with Solidworks - http://www.cad-vr.com/solidworks-vr/
Look into research by Mel Slater on VR and embodiment - http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/m.slater/Mel_Slaters_Home_Page/Home.html
Beyond Mars Experience Bus: