WCA staff development day DIAL presentation
Please see slides from the WCA staff development day DIAL presentation, about 20 academic staff, the session was followed by many interesting questions, including will DIAL continue and how can staff make use of the training and resources being coordinated and developed by DIAL. Staff can view all resources (many still being developed) here. We are hopeful DIAL will continue beyond 2013, all expressions of interest and support are welcome, please add your thoughts below in the comments section of this post.
Here's the link for those interested in the NAM http://conflictandmedia.arts.ac.uk (you will need to login to see research content)
Slides can be view below or on slideshare here.
Download presentation below and all slide images.
Attachment | Size |
dial_-_wca_-_presentation.pptx | 11.38 MB |
dial_-_wca_-_presentation.zip | 2.03 MB |

This Work, WCA staff development day DIAL presentation, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.