Web coding with Freeformers at LCC
DIAL and SEE met with http://www.freeformers.com/ and looked at possible collaborations with them and UAL students and alumni with an aim of delivering web code training and industry connections.
The Event:
I thought it was a great day and the students all seemed to be having fun and learning loads, well done team Freeformers!
The turn out was amazing and it would be great to have the Comms teams talk about this and give advice to other comms teams for future sessions about what they did to promote the event?
This Reuters report was recorded at a @freeformers_uk coding event at UAL, @LCCLondon London College of Communications in the summer 2013.
The training team were brilliant, they did a great job at communicating the information, was a little fast at the end and some more discussion with the students during the code training may be good (I missed the last session where the students explore ideas, but this concept could be introduced earlier in the session I think with some more examples of how code can be applied, get their creative thinking going earlier?).
I loved the warm up session and the lego session - great, am a big fan of the Cynefin Framework now thanks for that Freeformers!
The screens and sound were an issue and this needs to be better for future sessions. I managed to follow along even with doing emails at the same time, got a bit lost a few times but got saved by the student next to me who was loving the session and kept saying, UAL should do more of this sort of thing. She was a final year and time is of a premium so I was impressed she was there and this shows the value students place on this sort of activity and engagement.
These sessions seem to be designed or would appeal to the 18 - 24

The digital space at LCC yet again managed to accommodate this style of event collaboration without a problem (Wish we had a digital space in every college!). Other colleges could not accommodate events and digital workshops like this, non-course or college digital events, alumni friendly e.g. open visitor access to logins etc. digital demo spaces and the college contacts like to help coordinate such events.
The main issue I can see in holding similar events like this in the future are how Freeformers aligns with the UAL and who are your UAL partners in this process, who's got the time/interest to support them to carry out these events? We need to try and replicate the support in other colleges that we had at LCC and this can be tricky as they all operate in many different ways.
We should also look at the wider picture here at UAL, as I know there are courses at UAL who do similar training to this as part of their course, it would be good to get UAL courses to be made aware and contribute/align to the process in some way.