This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.


Joy Garnett, "Painting Mass Media"

See video

Remember seeing this video couple of years ago, thought it was brilliant and I've found it again.

Slade Lectures - Podcasts from the University of Oxford

Slade Lectures 8: Walking distance from the studio: cities, maps, and myths (56:12)

Dawn Ades 18-Apr-2011


Ricardo James

Watch this video!

Whilst everyone was busy working away with their final major project, I found myself intrigued in what everyone was working on.

art 21 on pbs

The series ART21 made by PBS in the States is a fantastic resource.

Duchamp's Boite-en-valise (the red box), series F

See video

Duchamp's Boite-en-valise (the red box), series F

recording studio interview



artsmooc is a new experimental so

About Paint Club

Rijksmuseum 125k works of art can be freely downloaded

See video

All of the images in our collection are high resolutions, so the printout of your favorite works will look great, as a poster, for example, or you can even download them and make something yourself