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Graphic Design

All Project Groups

Project groups on process.arts provide individuals, project teams, courses, conference groups or communities of interest a place to cluster groups of user generated content together, group forums c

The Culture of Women in Music

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Pecha Kucha Presentation 18th January 2012
The Culture of Women in Music

On-line video resources for learning provided by

See video

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should

Trawling the Internet for inspiration is one thing.

Branding & Identity: Website design Mock Up

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Website design Mock Up

A Tribute To The Remix (In Comic Sans)

Project update  (1 of 3)                                              

list of Drupal distributions for Higher Education

to recap on the possible configuration for a drupal distro to come for UAL

this is the Open Academy distribution

Assessing Digital Literacy Levels of Pre-Degree Students : Information Graphic

This information graphic uses extracts from a survey designed to establish digital literacy levels of students offered places on London College of Communication’s BA (Hons)

My Digital Life presentation - Jessica Barr

See video

My pecha kucha presentation for the Designs On E-Learning conference September 2012 in which I discuss my experiences of studying in an Online environment for my MA in DIgital Art at UAL Camberwell

TDP: Communication and participation in the crit

Watch this video!

Will enabling students to define the evaluation criteria, establish a shared language framework and identify ‘best practice’ in a crit, achieve an active arena of student communication