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The Cynefin Framework - kuh-nev-in

See video

I find the Cynefin Framework relates well to the work we've been doing with the DIAL projects, I'll see if/how this framework can help illustrate the journeys of the 

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Embed, don't bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

How to drop your ego and assert your essence identity (real I) Eckhart Tolle

See video

The ego is humans greatest enemy but is has to be understood and 'not' treated as a enemy but neither as a friend. Eckhart Tolle explains 'why'..

Lego Serious Play identity work

The Lego Serious Play identity work sessions below have been designed as a pilot for the The Centre for Performance programme staff and students at Central Saint Martins college of

Practice, teaching and open educational practice

How can we bring about changes in belief and attitude? 

4 categories of open educational practice

How can we bring about changes in belief and attitude? 

Summary of Process Arts Forum

DIAL project: Digital Information Literacy Group

Analysis of discuss with Library Staff

Developing Digital Literacies in your institution

Facilitators: Carole Baume, JISC Critical Friend, to four projects within the Developing Digital Literacies Programme and staff from the four projects (see below)

Case study Pt1: OEP & process.arts at UAL

Watch this video!

Part 1 of a 60 minute presentation by Chris Follows (see part 2) who leads a presentation followed by discussion o

EGOER and open practice identities Abstract and Full Paper

OER13 Abstract: In this presentation Chris Follows with discuss the benefits and challenges of developing an open practice identity (OPI).