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Chelsea College of Art and Design

Nigel Hall video of Crossing (horizontal) sculpture being installed at Chelsea Part 1

Watch this video!

Nigel Hall is an internationally renowned artist and was previously Head of Sculpture here at Chelsea in the 1970’s.

Melanie Bowles at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Melanie Bowles | Senior Lecturer, Digital Textile Design Chelsea College of Art | Print Make Wear - the complete DIY textile design loop

FLΔG Collective: Praxis between the educational turn and the art school

FLΔG Collective has published an article for the journal ADCHE (Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education) which draws on the SEE Curriculum Development Funded Projec

SEE funded Pilot Project Workshop with Dutch artist Tiong Ang

This workshop was a successful recipient of the SEE Pilot Project Fund in November 2014.

The CCW Digital Zoo: A Collaborative Project

In order to lend the Digital Makers Collective Collaborative P

Pentagon Petal

See video

This installation project by arti