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Enterprise and employability in the curriculum

A Cultural Commons - alternative approaches to copyright and the distribution of material

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Ben White and Eileen Simpson created the Open Music Archive to distribute music that no longer has copyright protection.

SEE STORIES 'Just do it'

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SEE Stories is a short series of specially commissioned video case studies, bringing insight into developing your professional practice whilst at UAL and beyond.

Art and Appropriation - when does artistic freedom become copyright infringement?

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Artist David Mabb reflects on past projects and works, including his appropriation of patterns and designs by William Morris and a run-in with Mangum Photos.

UAL Debates in Enterprise and Sustainability

This debate series will explore what kinds of future await graduates and how we can contribute to creating a more sustainable future.

ALT/SHIFT: Examining the future form of education for design and the creative industries

How can we connect with and inform emerging creative methodology? Do we need to be more accountable to the industries we serve? Do we have a wider social responsibility?

Gallery Deals - the artist/gallery relationship

See video

Art dealer Rene Gimpel of Gimpel Fils talks about relationships between artists and galleries - based on trust and contracts.

Site Specific Art - protecting the artist's vision

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Artist Susanna Heron talks through her experiences of being commissioned on public art projects, the pitfalls she encounters and how to get around them.

Art and Ideas - what does copyright law recognise as art?

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Artists sometimes report their work has been seemingly ripped off and used in other ways without their consent - but what is actually covered and protected by copyright law?

UAL Debates in Enterprise and Employability

Striving for a sustainable world is a concern that should

SEE Publications: Exploring enterprise and employability in art and design

We are delighted to share three new SEE publications that explore enterprise and employability in