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Film and video

Shared OER (Open educational resource) video editing FCP server

See video

In this video from the learning studio event, Chris Follows talks about ways of making best practical use of art and design

Co-editing experiment

See video

This video demonstrates a really low tech, quick demonstration/example/experiment of how an editor and a content producer could save time and edit together without having to be in the same space, l

Unlimited access to online training for staff and students with

Library Services is pleased to let you know that the University has renewed it’s subscription for a campus licence to for a further year.

YouTube and Vimeo for Education

An introduction to Vimeo and YouTube and an overview of the potential for using these web-based video services in teaching, learning and research.

Wimbledon Technical Arts talking about her animation project

Watch this video!

Ruth, Wimbledon Technical Arts talking about her animation project.

Skype at CSM: staff survey feedback

Historically Central Saint Martins has had a tricky relationship with Skype.

Movie Masher open source online video editor

thumb image

An open source video editor which can be embedded into your own web site.

Learn drupal - free online tutorials

Lots of great tutorials on FREE for UAL staff and students including drupal tutorials also see VTC training they have lots of free intor vide

Box of Broadcasts (BoB)

BoB National is a shared off-air recording and media archive.

Victoria Beaton Tech Arts 2009

Watch this video!

Wimbledon Technical Arts student Victoria Beaton

talking about her final degree show piece for her show in 2009

See related videos: